Published Poems by Tanya Ko Hong
“Comfort Woman” first published at Beloit Poetry Journal, Vol. 65, No. 1
Won the 11th “Moon Prize” from Writing in a Woman’s Voice (Sep. 2017)
Received Honorable Mention from the 3rd Annual Women’s National Book Association Writing Competition (2015)
Featured at The WVoice, a digital publication of Women’s Voices Now (WVN)
Featured as a Lunch Ticket Special
Praise for ‘Comfort Woman’
“Yang Kong Ju”
“Grandmother Talks of Camptowns”
“1946, Chinju, Korea”
2 Poems at WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 1 &2 (The Feminist Press):
3 POEMS in Allium journal of poetry and prose (columbia college):
“Answer,” “Diaspora,” and “Rendezvous Notes, XXI Century, City of Angels,”
3 Poems at Better Than Starbucks: March 2018 (print):
”Heo Nanselheasn (1563-1589)”
”Dear Yeobo”
"On-line Floricanto”
6 Poems at La Bloga:
”Bo go ship uh (I miss you)”
”Lucky Seven”
”Mustard Flowers Falling”
”Look Back”
”Comfort Women”
”The Crying Game”
3 Poems in Best of the Poetry Salon 2013-2018 (print anthology):
”Bo go ship uh (I miss you)”
”Comfort Women”
“A Blonde Whispers Korean in my Ear” at Rattle
“Heo Nanseolhean (1563-1589)” at Califragile
“Oxtail Soup” at Califragile
3 Poems at Paris Press:
“Grandmother Talking Camptowns” (also published at Writing in a Woman’s Voice)
“Oxtail Soup” (also published at Califragile)
”Heo Nanseolhean (1563-1589)”