Tanya is the author of five books: The War Still Within(forthcoming from KYSO Flash Press, 2019),Mother to Myself: A collection of poems in Korean(Prunsasang Press, 2015), Yellow Flowers on a Rainy Day(Oma Books, 2003), Mother’s Diary of Generation(Qumran, 2002), and Generation One Point Five(Esprit 1993).
The War Still Within: Poems of the Korean Diaspora (Kyso Flash, 2019). Dedicated to “all the women everywhere who have lost their names,” this book celebrates the courage of women to speak their truth and acknowledges the suffering of those who never could. Part historical imagining of Japan’s so-called “comfort women” during World War II, part personal claiming of her own experiences with immigration and motherhood, and part exploration of identity across two languages, The War Still Within weaves together two cultures and gives voice to generations of Korean and Korean-American women. The book is a recent recipient of the 10th Ko Won’s Literary Award.
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